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Thursday, October 9, 2008

ThinkTrain Express: It's time to derail your old way of thinking.

You're in a crisis ... stuck in a creative rut. You need a killer idea that works - yesterday! Good news - you're just in time to hop the ThinkTrain Express.

On board! 
Here's how ThinkTrain Express boosts your idea-power.

First, picture a train. Then, picture the people in your organization. See any similarities? Like the differing cars of a train, your organization is composed of people with vastly different skill sets. For example, a boxcar finds it very difficult to pull the train. Likewise, a locomotive without coal won't go far either.

On the ThinkTrain, there are four types of cars:
  1. Coal Cars
  2. Locomotives
  3. Connectors
  4. Boxcars
Unlike a traditional train, on the ThinkTrain, the locomotive isn't leading the way. It's the Coal Car. They're the idea generators. The big thinkers. The folks who aren't afraid to challenge the existing reality and say, "What if...?"

The Great Brain Robbery
Fact is, new ideas are scary. They involve change. Risk. And discomfort. Because of this, we've built a defense mechanism to help buffer us against radical ideas. Guard against these people - The Brain Robbers. The idea killers.
Remember the "Little Engine That Could?" It took a while for the locomotive to gain the momentum to climb the hill. In the company of a Brain Robber, the little engine never would have seen anything but the railroad yard. ThinkTraining gives young ideas the time to grow into maturity.
The Locomotives are refiners. They help the coal cars burn their huge potential energy in the most efficient way. They're the folks who say, "Here's how…"

Connectors see both sides of an issue. They understand human relationships. They are adept at pointing out possible problems and suggesting compromises. They're the folks who say, "But first, we'll have to adjust X, Y and Z."

Box Cars live for the work. Hence, they carry the heaviest burden of the work. They're task-oriented, "bottom-liners". They're the folks who say, "Let's get started!"

By grouping your train together in the right fashion, you can increase the quantity and quality of the ideas generated.

Here's how to set up your ThinkTrain

Take a look at everyone who can be involved in ThinkTraining. And remember to check outside your typical circle. After all, the further away people are from problems, the closer they'll be to coming up with a dramatically different idea. Familiarity lends itself to boring solutions. Don't assume the person with the most years of experience is most valuable. Many times, a recent college grad, a mailroom clerk or administrative assistant has more insight then ten executives.

When you've selected your team members, classify each person into one of the groups.
Here are a few tips to help classify your team. Coal Cars are generally excitable people who talk fast and gesture frequently. Locomotives are more analytical. Connectors are warm, friendly and family-oriented people. Boxcars live to make to-do lists.

Coal Cars
To begin, gather your Coal Cars together and give them the assignment. Tell them their input is vital to the success of the project. These folks generally have larger than average egos and will be gratified to get all this attention. Give them a number of ideas to shoot for - 5 killer ideas, and a deadline - one hour. Make sure they're equally comfortable with any of the 5 ideas.

To grease the wheels, provide a series of "what-if" questions for them to ponder. For example, what if we could make our product cheaper; faster; with better service, etc.? They'll be brimming over with ideas in no time...


Enter the locomotives. The Coal Cars present their 5 best ideas. Then, the Locomotives review the ideas and select the 3 that seem to have the most merit.

The Connectors review the three best ideas. They see how each alternative will affect other folks in both positive and negative ways. They give and take. They adjust ideas. They note all areas that they have problems with, and send all 3 options directly to the Boxcars.


The Boxcars are the most pragmatic. They select the one option that has the highest level of benefits, the lowest cost, with the least stress for everyone involved. Then, they are charged with developing an action plan to accomplish the goal.

The Benefits of ThinkTraining
In traditional brainstorming, not everyone excels at idea generation. Some are naturally more gifted at idea enhancement. ThinkTraining allows these "enhancers" to participate and feel good about their contribution. It recognizes the inherent value of all different types of people - from the right-brained, idea-oriented Coal Cars to the left-brained, action-oriented Boxcars.

In short, ThinkTraining gives you maximum idea generating power out of each and every person in your organization.

Andrew Macris is a 15-year veteran in the conceptual business, having served as creative director at top direct marketing and web marketing agencies for the past ten. He is owner of Macris Direct, a new media direct marketing company. He can be reached at 904-327-0590 or by emailing him at andrew AT macrisdirect dot com. His business website is located at www.macrisdirect.com.

1 comment:

Ltlhawk Studios said...

What an amazing analogy! I am forwarding this on to the rest of the folks here. Your article really puts working in a group into perspective and opens up the whole idea of honing the individual skills each personality type has to bring out the best ideas.

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Jacksonville, Florida, United States
An award-winning direct response copywriter and creative director with 15 years experience winning for clients. Owner of Macris Direct. http://www.macrisdirect.com