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Monday, October 13, 2008

A new Declaration of Independence

There's no real research here. Just personal intuition. But I believe we're in the midst of a shift in the workforce. People like me, who were perfectly content to go through their careers working for other people, are now plunging their flags into the ground and going out on their own. It might be due to distress. Or a sudden revelation. Or both, as it was in my case.

Over the past four years, I've experienced both an outsourcing and a layoff. And you know what I said? Enough is enough! I'm working for myself from here on out.

I could have gone on unemployment, gotten lazy and become a drain on the system... but that wasn't for me. I chose to utilize all the skills I acquired over the past 15 years an pursue my own happiness. It's been an interesting Plan B. And I suspect there are thousands across the country just like me. Within my circle, I can count at least twenty of my personal friends and colleagues who have made a similar choice.

Marketers... accountants... builders... name the profession. These professionals who once worked for a big company are now working for themselves. I can't imagine a single industry that hasn't been touched by this modern day Declaration of Independence.

Why over the past few months, I've designed small business websites for a single-person IT company, a dog bakery and a pet transport service. Each and every one of these entrepreneurs were escapees from the corporate world.

Consequences and opportunities
So what does all this mean? Is it a good thing? I for one am thrilled over the metamorphosis in the workforce. I believe it's going to rekindle a sense of entrepreneurial spirt to the country that's been dormant for years. Think about the turn of the 20th century as farmers abandoned their lands in search of work in the cities. Today, we're seeing a bit of an industrial revolution, but in reverse. While the cities aren't shrinking, the corporations within are certainly seeing a brain drain.

So, yes, In my mind, it's not only good, it's great. It's a wake up call that we need to compete globally with new and revitalized powers like Russia, China, India and South Korea. The next big ideas are brewing in our budding entrepreneurs right now. After all, when the chips are down, and our backs are against the wall, it's in our American DNA to pull through.

As the nation's unemployment level creeps up to its highest level in years, and more and more smart people learn how to fend for themselves, we as a nation will create more wealth. We will turn our deficits into surpluses and regain our natural place in the world. It isn't unpredictable -- waking up hungry has a way of focusing your energy.

What you need to succeed.
Trouble is, basic entrepreneurship just isn't taught to our youth. And neither is it common practice in the workforce. Chances are, you've got exceptional knowledge of your particular specialty. Take me, I'm an expert in direct and web marketing. I even have an MBA in international finance. But that in no way prepared me to open my own business. You need a network to be successful. No one can possibly know everything. 

So surround yourself with a good team. Find an attorney you can trust. A tax specialist that helps you navigate the code. And most importantly latch on to a wise mentor who can guide you in the early days. For me, it's my dad... a first generation immigrant from Greece who was born with an entrepreneur's mindset. Not me. I've had to learn.

So if you're scared your job is on the cutting block, or if you've already been axed, don't be afraid of pursuing your fortune on your own. There are millions of successful small businesses out there. And chances are, you're just as smart and just as talented as most of them. It just takes a lot of perspiration, planning and good luck.

And when you do, make sure to look me up for your website, logo and direct mail design.

Andrew Macris is a 15-year veteran in the conceptual business, having served as creative director at top direct marketing and web marketing agencies for the past ten. He is owner of Macris Direct, a new media direct marketing company. He can be reached at 904-327-0590 or by emailing him at andrew AT macrisdirect dot com. His business website is located at www.macrisdirect.com.

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Jacksonville, Florida, United States
An award-winning direct response copywriter and creative director with 15 years experience winning for clients. Owner of Macris Direct. http://www.macrisdirect.com