Jacksonville's premier direct marketing
and web design agency

Phone: 904-327-0590 | Fax: 904-619-5059 | win@macrisdirect.com

Results first.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Big dreams. No budgets. No problem.

If there's anything the past 4 months has shown me, there's no shortage of great ideas out there. I've met with dozens of small to medium-sized businesses in fields as diverse as pet products to energy traders to auto dealers. Everyone has big plans to grow their businesses. Not everyone has the cash to make much of a dent. 

While it's true, you need money to make money... you don't necessarily need THAT much money to initiate a smart marketing program. 

At Macris Direct, it's our job to squeeze each and every cent of value out of your hard-earned marketing dollars. After all, it's what we do every day. Plus, after dealing with printer after printer, great deals can be had right now. Prices are falling, and that's good news for the small business who's wondering whether now is a good time to strike. 

Ad spending is down, too. So a smaller rock still makes a pretty good sized splash.

Are you thinking about finding new customers? Want some interesting ways to cross-sell existing clients and deepen relationships? Give us a call. Give us a few bucks. Let's see what we can do together. 

Andrew Macris is a 15-year veteran in the conceptual business, having served as creative director at top direct marketing and web marketing agencies for the past ten. He is owner of Macris Direct, a new media direct marketing company. He can be reached at 904-327-0590 or by emailing him at andrew AT macrisdirect dot com. His business website is located at www.macrisdirect.com.

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Jacksonville, Florida, United States
An award-winning direct response copywriter and creative director with 15 years experience winning for clients. Owner of Macris Direct. http://www.macrisdirect.com