Jacksonville's premier direct marketing
and web design agency

Phone: 904-327-0590 | Fax: 904-619-5059 | win@macrisdirect.com

Results first.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ideas for great causes. Macris Direct gives back.

In my 15 years of creative leadership experience, my absolute favorite days are those when there's a huge challenge ahead of us. Brainstorming crazy-good ideas are what gets me going in the morning. That, and a steaming pot of Sumatra.

So, in an effort to give something back to the community... and to get me excited about helping people with what I do best, I'm offering my ThinkTrain idea generation session completely free to the most worthy causes. That's a $995 value for zip. Nada. Three hours of creative nirvana to get you out of your rut, and into great ideas that move your organization forward.

Businesses, churches, little leagues, book clubs, non-profits... I don't care who you are. Do you have a challenge that's keeping you up at night? Do you want a fresh perspective and an idea coach that can pull great ideas out of your staff?

Then email me your story.

I'll select one interesting challenge each month. We'll gather around the conference room table... nibble on a huge bowl of chocolate... swig some java... and get down to solving your challenges with some crazy good ideas. Not to mention, having a ton of fun all along the way.

And if you don't get selected, don't worry. You can always buy a ThinkTrain session. In fact, right now, it's $250 off.

So let's hear it folks. What are your challenges?

Andrew Macris is a 15-year veteran in the conceptual business, having served as creative director at top direct marketing and web marketing agencies for the past ten. He is owner of Macris Direct, a new media direct marketing company. He can be reached at 904-327-0590 or by emailing him at andrew AT macrisdirect dot com. His business website is located at www.macrisdirect.com.

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Jacksonville, Florida, United States
An award-winning direct response copywriter and creative director with 15 years experience winning for clients. Owner of Macris Direct. http://www.macrisdirect.com